Window mesh security screens are being increasingly used in the education sector to provide safe and secure outdoor areas at learning facilities.
Staying safe while they learn
From playgrounds at child care centres to student accommodation at universities, we trust those in the education sector to keep our children safe from harm, not just in the classroom but at all times they are in their care. As our cities build increasingly upwards, more educational facilities are located in high-rise buildings, which come with additional potential risks such as falls from windows and balconies.
The only way to be truly risk-free is to eliminate openable windows, balconies or outdoor areas, but that is not practical or desirable. Good light and fresh air are vital components of the learning environment and have a positive impact on the academic success of students. Openable windows give students a link to the outdoors, while balconies and outdoor play areas provide a break from the classroom or study environment.
One way schools and universities have found to deliver spaces which have both protection and amenity, is by taking Alspec window and door security screening products and using them in increasingly novel applications.
James Cook University, Cairns QLD

In North Queensland, the James Cook University took Invisi-Maxx security screens and used them to completely enclose the balconies of a high-rise student accommodation building. As well as removing the risk of falls, the screens contribute to the visually attractive façade of the award-winning building. Behind the high-visibility mesh, students can still enjoy unimpeded rainforest views, along with naturally cooling breezes and protection from insects. With its heavy duty frame and mesh retention system, the cyclone-rated Invisi-Maxx screens will also protect the building inhabitants from any windborne debris during extremes of weather.
St Catherine’s College, Perth, WA

Meanwhile in Western Australia, designers of a student accommodation building at St Catherine’s College in Perth identified
Click here for the detailed project review.
Mater Child Care, Brisbane
And it’s not just older students who are benefiting from this re-thinking of the use of security screening mesh in the education sector. At the Mater Hospital in Brisbane,

By embracing alternative ways of making outdoor access safe, the education sector has cast a new light on mesh security screening as an engaging design feature which provides safety, security and peace of mind for parents and teachers while children are in the learning environment.